Pictured above is a part of the steering column in Audi A8 cars, also VW Touareg and Phaeton as well as Porsche Cayenne. When it fails, it can cause problems starting the car, like no response from the key or Start button. This module helps recognize the key, unlock the steering wheel, and power up other parts of the car.
We offer a home / office visit service for Auckland, Tauranga & Hamilton. For customers outside those areas, please send us the steering lock.
Also print this form, fill it in and include that with the package you ship to us.
If you don't have a printer you can write the same information on a piece of paper.
Send your parts & form to us at:
123 Cheyne Rd, Pyes Pa, Tauranga 3112
021 221 8628 or free call 0800 999 539